Pitta dosha is formed by the combination of two elements Fire and Water. All the physiological processes with respect to energy production, metabolism and heat are controlled by Pitta Dosha. This means important functions such as digestion of food, production, and consumption of energy are governed by Pitta Dosha, which is a characteristic of the Pitta body type.
How to know if your body type is Pitta Dosha predominant?
To find if your body type is Pitta Dosha predominant, you need to undergo a proper Prakriti analysis and answer all the questions given to you. In Prakriti analysis, the index finger corresponds to Vata, middle finger to Pitta, and ring finger to Kapha. Whichever finger feels the pulse strongest determines your Prakriti dosha. Based on this, our doctors will screen your lifestyle and help you to find if you have Pitta Dosha imbalance. People who have Pitta Dosha tend to show some peculiar symptoms, personality and also are at higher risk of developing some specific diseases.
What are the symptoms of increased Pitta Dosha?
Pitta Dosha generally works on the gastro-Intestinal tract, liver, skin, eyes or brain. Its increase in the body causes some or all of the following Pitta Dosha symptoms in the body-
• Excessive thirst or hunger
• Acidity
• Hot flushes in body
• Skin rashes, acne, and boils
• Vomiting bile (yellowish water)
• Strong body odour
• Nausea
• Loose motions
• Anger, irritability
• Sensitiveness to heat

How is the Imbalanced Pitta Dosh Treated?
Pitta dosh is composed of fire and water elements. Their excess in the body leads to an imbalanced Pitta dosha. Therefore, this Pitta imbalance is treated by providing the person with all the conditions, be it the lifestyle, diet, medication, etc., that counter both these elements and bring Pitta dosha back to balance.
Pitta dosha is located in the small intestines, therefore, Virechan (purgation) treatment is the first step to start bringing Pitta dosh in balance. Moreover, the easy to digest food items tend to increase this problem, so on the contrary, heavy foods are considered during the therapy. In order to neutralise the effect of fire element, cold, liquid, fatty, and sweet foods are given.
Gradually, the problem of an imbalanced Pitta dosha is treated with continuous and expert observation.
What health conditions are caused due to pitta imbalance?
Increased Pitta Dosha in the body increases the risk of following diseases:
• Hyperacidity
• Skin rashes
• High blood pressure
• Diarrhea
What Diet changes correct pitta imbalance?
Ayurveda offers several dietary recommendations for people with Pitta predominant body type. Pitta Dosha can be pacified with foods that have cooling properties and are energising. Some specific foods pacify Pitta by decreasing Internal heat, preventing Inflammation and balancing the Digestive fire.
• Include more raw vegetables and fruits in your diet
• Include dairy products like milk, butter milk, and yogurt that can pacify Pitta
• People with a Pitta dosha body type tend to feel comparatively more hungry, so it is important to eat frequently.
• Avoid skipping meals.
• Eat in a peaceful environment to avoid overeating.
• Eating spicy foods can aggravate the Pitta dosha, but you can include cooling spice such as cardamom, cilantro, coriander, fennel and mint that help to calm Pitta’s heat.
• Avoid hot tea or coffee especially in the morning on an empty stomach.
What lifestyle changes should people with Pitta Dosha follow?
Make sure to avoid vigorous exercises and get involved in some easy ones such as Walking, Yoga, Stretching exercises, etc.
Stay in cool environment as much as possible
Manage your stress and be in company of people who you like
Try to control your anger as it can aggravate Pitta
Do not eat in a rush
How to know if your body type is Pitta Dosha predominant?
To find if your body type is Pitta Dosha predominant you need to undergo a proper prakriti analysis and answer all the questions given to you. Our doctors will screen your lifestyle and help you to find if you have Pitta Dosha imbalance. People who have Pitta Dosha tend to show some peculiar symptoms, personality and also are at higher risk of developing some specific diseases.
What are the symptoms of increased pitta dosha?
Pitta dosha generally works on gastro-Intestinal tract, liver, skin, eyes or brain. Increase Pitta Dosha in the body can show one or more of the following symptoms,
- Excessive thirst or hunger
- Acidity
- Hot flushes in body
- Skin rashes, acne, and boils
- Vomiting bile (yellowish water)
- Strong body odour
- Nausea
- Loose motions
- Anger, irritability
- Sensitiveness to heat
What health conditions are caused due to pitta imbalance?
Increased Pitta Dosha in body increases risk of following diseases,
- Hyperacidity
- Skin rashes
- High blood pressure
- Diarrhoeas
What Diet changes correct pitta imbalance?
Ayurveda offers several dietary recommendations for people with pitta predominant body type. Pitta dosha can be pacified with foods that are cooling and energising. Some specific foods pacify pitta by decreasing internal heat, preventing inflammation and balancing the digestive fire.
- Include more raw vegetables and fruits in your diet
- Include dairy products like milk, butter milk, and yogurt that can pacify pitta
- People with Pitta Dosha tend to have increased hunger and so it is important to eat foods are higher frequency
- Avoid skipping meals
- Eat in a peaceful environment to avoid overeating
- Eating spicy foods can aggravate the pitta dosha, but you can include cooling spice such as cardamom, cilantro, coriander, fennel and mint that help to calm pitta’s heat
- Avoid hot tea or coffee especially in the morning on empty stomach
What lifestyle changes should people with Pitta Dosha follow?
- Make sure to avoid vigorous exercises and get involved in some easy ones such as walking, yoga, stretching exercises, etc.
- Stay in cool environment as much as possible
- Manage you stress and be in company of people who you like
- Try to control you anger as it can aggravate pitta
- Do not eat while in rush
NuAyurveda Clinics in Mumbai
Kandivali (East)
Aangan Row House #4, Opp.Thakur College, Thakur Village, Kandivali(E), Mumbai – 400101 (Tuesday closed)
Kandivali (West)
105, Kanyakumari Building, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Next to Vaishali Bhavan Bus Stop, Kandivali (W), Mumbai 400067
Andheri (West)
1st floor, Kohli Villa-130, SV Road, Near Shoppers Stop, opp. to Raymond (Andheri West), Mumbai 400058 (Tuesday closed)
C-102, Jolly Apartments Plot No 40/1-22, New Borla Village, Opp Maitri Park, N.B. Patil Marg, Chembur, Mumbai 400071. (Tuesday closed)