Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis mainly focuses on helping a paralysed person adapt to life by making them as independent as possible. Paralysis in Ayurveda is called as Pakshaghat which is one of the Vata vyadhis mentioned in the classical texts. Ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis consists of several types of massages that relax the muscles and stimulate nerves. Therapies that correct vata Doshas also are also considered as important Ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis.
What is a paralysis?
Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. Paralysis can affect the entire body or a specific body part. When the whole body is affected it is known as complete Paralysis. When it affects a specific body part it is known as partial Paralysis. A facial Paralysis is one of the most common disabilities resulting from stroke and mainly affects one side of the face.
What are the causes of paralysis?
The main cause of Paralysis is the impairment of nerves in the spinal cord or brain. Stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis are considered as the four most common causes of Paralysis. However, some more brain disorder, infections, or even environmental toxins can also cause Paralysis. Have a look at the following list that gives the causes of Paralysis.
- Neurological diseases, such as Cerebral Palsy, Bell’s Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Peripheral Neuropathy
- Infectious or autoimmune diseases such as HIV, Lyme disease, Spondylitis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Serious or life-threatening conditions such as brain tumor, trauma, hemorrhage, or stroke
- Trauma such as a herniated vertebral disk, broken or severed spinal cord, or direct trauma to a nerve
- Environmental factors such as toxins, radiation or poisons
What are the signs and symptoms of paralysis?
Paralysis impairs the muscle power and thus may result in total or partial immobility. Even if it is a partial Paralysis it has a significant effect on the other systems in the body. The common signs and symptoms of Paralysis include,
- Changes to circulation and respiration
- Changes to the kidneys and gastrointestinal system
- Changes to muscles, joints, and bones
- Spasticity of the limbs
- Muscle spasms
- Pressure sores
- Edema
- Blood clots in the lower limbs
- Feelings of numbness or pain
- Skin injury
- Bacterial infection
- Disruption of the normal working of the tissues, glands, and organs
- Constipation
- Loss of control of urination
- Sexual difficulties
- Abnormal sweating
- Abnormal breathing or heart rate
- Balance problems
- Behavioral issues
- Difficulty speaking or swallowing
- Vision problems
- Pain and swelling in Knee? Get it treated with natural therapies
Get the best Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis
Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis mainly focuses on helping a paralysed person adapt to life by making them as independent as possible. Paralysis in Ayurveda is called as Pakshaghat which is one of the Vata vyadhis mentioned in the classical texts. Ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis consists of several types of massages that relax the muscles and stimulate nerves. Therapies that correct vata Doshas also are also considered as important Ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis.
What is a paralysis?
Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. Paralysis can affect the entire body or a specific body part. When the whole body is affected it is known as complete Paralysis. When it affects a specific body part it is known as partial Paralysis. A facial Paralysis is one of the most common disabilities resulting from stroke and mainly affects one side of the face.
What are the causes of paralysis?
The main cause of Paralysis is the impairment of nerves in the spinal cord or brain. Stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis are considered as the four most common causes of Paralysis. However, some more brain disorder, infections, or even environmental toxins can also cause Paralysis. Have a look at the following list that gives the causes of Paralysis.
- Neurological diseases, such as Cerebral Palsy, Bell’s Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Peripheral Neuropathy
- Infectious or autoimmune diseases such as HIV, Lyme disease, Spondylitis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Serious or life-threatening conditions such as brain tumor, trauma, hemorrhage, or stroke
- Trauma such as a herniated vertebral disk, broken or severed spinal cord, or direct trauma to a nerve
- Environmental factors such as toxins, radiation or poisons
What are the signs and symptoms of paralysis?
Paralysis impairs the muscle power and thus may result in total or partial immobility. Even if it is a partial Paralysis it has a significant effect on the other systems in the body. The common signs and symptoms of Paralysis include,
- Changes to circulation and respiration
- Changes to the kidneys and gastrointestinal system
- Changes to muscles, joints, and bones
- Spasticity of the limbs
- Muscle spasms
- Pressure sores
- Edema
- Blood clots in the lower limbs
- Feelings of numbness or pain
- Skin injury
- Bacterial infection
- Disruption of the normal working of the tissues, glands, and organs
- Constipation
- Loss of control of urination
- Sexual difficulties
- Abnormal sweating
- Abnormal breathing or heart rate
- Balance problems
- Behavioral issues
- Difficulty speaking or swallowing
- Vision problems
- Pain and swelling in Knee? Get it treated with natural therapies
Get the best Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis

What Are the Types Of Paralysis?
Paralysis can affect any body parts and impair body functions in several ways. As a result there are several types of Paralysis. However, based on the body region involved there are 4 main types of Paralysis.
Overweight and obesity :Excessive weight in obesity puts too much stress and pressure on the knee joints during regular activities such as walking or standing
Monoplegia : Monoplegia refers to the Paralysis of limb, most typically one limb. Cerebral palsy is the main cause of this Paralysis. However, it may also be caused due to stroke, tumour or brain injuries.
Hemiplegia : Hemiplegia is a partial Paralysis and affects an arm and a leg on the same side of the body.
Paraplegia : Paraplegia is a Paralysis of body parts below the waist. It usually affects both legs, hips. People who have Paralysis of lower body have difficulty with functions, such as sexuality and elimination.
Quadriplegia : Quadriplegia indicates is Paralysis of body below the neck. This type of Paralysis affects all four limbs, and the torso. Spinal cord injuries occurring following a heavy velocity accident, falls or sports injury can cause this type of Paralysis.
How does Ayurveda cure Paralysis?
According to Ayurveda the main line of treatment of Paralysis is normalizing the flow of Prana Vayu. This is done by following therapies and should be carried out in all stages of Paralysis depending on the general condition of the patient.
Abhyangam : An Ayurvedic full body massage that relaxes the muscles and nerves
Padabhyanga : Padabhyanga relaxes muscles and ligaments in the lower limbs.
Pizhichil : Pizhichil Ayurvedic Treatment includes massage with warm oil and therefore can stimulate the nerves and muscles.
Sneha Vasti : Since Paralysis is one of the Vata vyadhis mentioned in the classical Ayurvedic text texts, Sneha vasti is used to correct the Vata Dosha.
What are the Side Effects of Ayurvedic Treatment of Paralysis?
The Ayurvedic therapies for Paralysis are generally safe, and use herbal or natural oils and medications. It is recommended to visit a professional Ayurvedic centre and get advice from a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before starting a treatment.
What is the Cost of Ayurvedic Treatment of Paralysis?
Paralysis affects each person differently and so the treatment duration and plan also changes based on patient condition. To know the cost of Ayurvedic treatment of paralysis, book appointment for consultation with our doctors.
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Paralysis of half of the body
Known as Hemiplegia, it is the complete Paralysis of half of the body. The word ‘Hemi’ means one part, whereas the word ‘Plegia’ means severe weakness. There are several causes, which lead to the Paralysis of half of the body. They are; Injury to the brain, head injury, diabetes, brain tumour, infections such as meningitis, encephalitis, etc., Migraine syndrome, inflammation of blood vessels, diseases, which affect the nervous system, such as, multiple sclerosis, acute necrotizing myelitis, etc., Cerebral Palsy, genetic disorders and stroke being one of the most common reasons. Here, when the injury occurs on the right side of the brain, the Paralysis takes place on the left side and vice versa. When there is a damage or injury to the brain cells that oversee the movements, the symptoms of Hemiplegia might start to appear, such as, difficulty while walking or unable to walk, difficulty in maintaining the balance, or losing balance easily while walking. Hemiplegia is not same for all. For some, it can be severe, whereas for some it might be temporary. Hence, the treatment plan also varies from person to person. Some of them are; Using blood thinners to reduce any cardiovascular blockage, which helps reduce the chances of a stroke in the future, Antibiotics, a surgery to help remove the swelling from the brain or to remove if any objects are lodged in the brain, drugs that help relax the muscles, physiotherapy, attending support groups for the emotional strength and monitored exercise.
Lakwa Treatment
Also known as Bell’s Palsy, facial Paralysis is a condition where the patient loses control over one side of the face. It can be mild, partial Paralysis or the patient might experience a complete weakness on one side of the face. This condition is said to heal on its own, but medical intervention is necessary. For the face, the nerves originate in the brain and oversee the muscle movement of the forehead, neck, and all the facial expressions. These nerves are also responsible for ‘perceived sound volume’, and controls all the facial secretions, such as saliva and tears. Hence, any trauma to the facial nerves can cause Facial Paralysis. This disorder can occur in anyone and age is not a concern. Today, more than 65% of the people suffer from this disorder at one point or another. The symptoms of facial Paralysis include; weakness of the facial muscles, experiencing difficulty in chewing, eating, drinking or blowing, twitching, headaches, dizziness, experiencing discomfort or pain in the jaw or the area behind the ears, experiencing a ringing sound in the ears, loss of taste, becoming sensitive to noises, drooling, eyelids drooping, dryness in the eye or mouth, and excess formation of tears in one eye. The exact cause of this disease is still unknown. However, some of the factors that trigger Bell’s palsy are; viral infections, Lyme disease, and damage to the facial nerves. It usually takes about 7 months to completely recover from this condition.
Left hemiparesis treatment
Hemiparesis is a condition, where one side of the body becomes weak. This condition can make it difficult to perform even the mundane duties of day to day lives, such as walking, dressing, eating, etc. To overcome and recover from this condition, the patient will need a multidisciplinary team and a huge amount of patience. When it comes to the treatment, Hemiparesis can be treated, where the patient can regain strength on the weak side of the body. However, the treatment is quite intense and requires an entire medical team to take care of the patient. Usually, the treatment plan is a combination of four types of therapy- Physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation therapy, and Mental Health therapy. During the treatment, the patient must follow a few tips to make their life easier, such as staying active to keep the muscles awake, making a few changes in the house for support, to prevent slips in the bathroom they can add no-slip sheets, using a walker, etc. One of the most common treatments for Hemiparesis is the Modified Constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT). Here, the strong side of the patient is held back gently, making sure that the weaker side gives it all. This will strengthen the muscles on the weak side, improving mobility. Another treatment plan used is the Electrical Stimulation. Here, electrical pads are attached to the weaker side of the body. Small electrical charges are transferred from the pad to the muscles, making the muscles contract slightly. This will again help strengthen the muscles and improve mobility.
Paraplegia treatment
Paraplegia is an injury to the spinal cord, which Paralysis the lower limbs. This happens because of the severe damage to the spinal cord and the nervous system. This can happen due to; accidents, injury to the spinal cord, motor neuron disease, tumours or blood clots in the spinal cord, spina bifida, prolonged illness, and alcohol addiction. This condition can affect the trunk, legs, and the pelvic region and can lead to loss of movement. The symptoms of paraplegia are; unable to feel or move, losing control over bowel and bladder movements, severe pain or tingling feeling in the trunk, legs, difficulty in breathing or coughing, and unable to perform sexually. When these symptoms are noticed in the patient, the doctor may opt for further diagnosis. Today, with the help of computerized CT scans, X-rays, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), this condition can be diagnosed. If the condition is detected early on, the treatment can be provided through medicines and traction. Also, during the early stages, surgery and experimental trials can also be conducted to improve the damage. However, once the treatment starts, the doctors also focus on preventing any further complications, such as bowel and bladder issues, blood clots, pressure ulcers, and respiratory infections. And, the need to hospitalize the patient depends on their condition. Today, even if the patient is suffering from complete paraplegia, new technologies can help restore movement. Other treatment methods include; Spinal cord alignment surgery, physical therapy, exercise therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, massages, chiropractic, and other alternative treatments.
Paralysis stroke treatment
Paralysis stroke is a condition where the muscle or a group of muscles, lose their ability to move. This happens because the muscles are controlled by the messages sent from the brain. However, when a person undergoes a stroke, the brain experiences damage. The part of the brain that is responsible to send the signals to control the muscles may not work as it is supposed to. For this condition, the patient must undergo extensive treatments. Today, there are a few excellent treatment methods, which can help the patient regain the control over muscles even partially. They are; Assistive Mirror Therapy, Mental practice, Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Brain Stimulation, and Acupuncture. Other methods of treatments include; physiotherapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. Once the therapy starts, slowly the patient will start regaining the mobility, speech, and will be able to manage other regular duties on their own. The treatment plan is finalized by the doctor after the initial recovery from the stroke. After the stroke, the brain cells do not regrow. Therefore, the surviving brain cells try to take the responsibilities of the damaged cells. The recovery period is usually different from person to person. Following a few tips can be helpful in preventing the stroke. They are; to quit the usage of tobacco, maintaining the ideal weight, eating a well-balanced meal, not consuming too much alcohol, and exercising regularly.
What Are the Types of Paralysis?
Paralysis can affect any body parts and impair body functions in several ways. As a result there are several types of Paralysis. However, based on the body region involved there are 4 main types of Paralysis.
Overweight and obesity:
Excessive weight in obesity puts too much stress and pressure on the knee joints during regular activities such as walking or standing
Monoplegia refers to the Paralysis of limb, most typically one limb. Cerebral palsy is the main cause of this Paralysis. However, it may also be caused due to stroke, tumour or brain injuries.
Hemiplegia is a partial Paralysis and affects an arm and a leg on the same side of the body.
Paraplegia is a Paralysis of body parts below the waist. It usually affects both legs, hips. People who have Paralysis of lower body have difficulty with functions, such as sexuality and elimination.
Quadriplegia indicates is Paralysis of body below the neck. This type of Paralysis affects all four limbs, and the torso. Spinal cord injuries occurring following a heavy velocity accident, falls or sports injury can cause this type of Paralysis.
How Does Ayurveda Cure Paralysis?
According to Ayurveda the main line of treatment of Paralysis is normalizing the flow of Prana Vayu. This is done by following therapies and should be carried out in all stages of Paralysis depending on the general condition of the patient.
An Ayurvedic full body massage that relaxes the muscles and nerves
Padabhyanga relaxes muscles and ligaments in the lower limbs.
Pizhichil Ayurvedic Treatment includes massage with warm oil and therefore can stimulate the nerves and muscles.
Sneha Vasti:
Since Paralysis is one of the Vata vyadhis mentioned in the classical Ayurvedic text texts, Sneha vasti is used to correct the Vata Dosha.
What are the Side Effects of Ayurvedic Treatment of Paralysis?
The Ayurvedic therapies for Paralysis are generally safe, and use herbal or natural oils and medications. It is recommended to visit a professional Ayurvedic centre and get advice from a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before starting a treatment.
What is the Cost of Ayurvedic Treatment of Paralysis?
Paralysis affects each person differently and so the treatment duration and plan also changes based on patient condition. To know the cost of Ayurvedic treatment of paralysis, book appointment for consultation with our doctors.
Meet expert doctors for Ayurvedic treatment of paralysis
Information By : Dr. Sandesh Bhosale – NuAyurveda
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